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Хайме Гомес
(Jaime Gomez), родился 31 августа, 1965, Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния, США.
Jaime Gomez was born and raised in the Southern California sunshine. College was for the studying of art history and literature as well the history of the world and his personal favorite, philosophy. Jaime has had a successful acting career spanning 20 years. He's best known for his role in the hit CBS series Nash Bridges playing young super cop Evan Cortez. Jaime has worked with major stars the likes of Denzel Washington, twice, (Training Day, Crimson Tide) to Harrison Ford (Clear and Present Danger) to Gene Hackman to Willem Dafoe. In addition to acting, Jaime has branched out into the producing/writing/directing side of the entertainment business, having completed his own feature film "In the Blink of an Eye", the documentary "Quincy Coleman: It's All in the Song" and other projects, many having screened in film festivals around the world.


@темы: Биография, Фильмография, Хайме Гомес, Актеры